Gupton Marrs International, Inc.
Tech Members with Out of State HQ IT Consulting
Founded in 2001, Gupton Marrs International, Inc. (GMI) is focused on how best to ensure that management processes are appropriately architected to deal with today’s unprecedented velocity of change and increasingly complex and demanding environment. Almost every week, new examples come to light that clearly illustrate that “business as usual” approaches to management are a recipe for disaster.
We believe that the solution is to replace today’s disconnected, inefficient, and poorly designed approaches with holistic Management Operating Systems (comprised of the governance processes, frameworks, tools, and behaviors needed to systematically Plan, Organize, Lead, and Control your organization). Our “asset-based consulting model” allows us to leverage GMI’s extensive existing frameworks, content, analytics, and enabling technology to significantly reduce the implementation time, cost, and risk for your tailored solutions appropriate for the 21st century.
O. Bruce Gupton
Chairman & CEO